Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Safety - General


When we think of safety we should consider four Ps:
People (of the organization),

While working out safety measures we must always consider the environment. It can be work environment, social environment, and personal environment.

We must be aware of the hazards and risks present in each environment.
The common hazards are:
·        Electricity
·        Manual Handling
·        Hazardous Substances
·        Noise
·        Fire
·        Ultra-violet Radiation (UVR)
·        HIV and Blood Borne Pathogens
·        Traffic and Mobile Plant
·        Working at Heights
·        Drugs and Alcohol.
·        Chemicals

Many a times, people get injured/killed for none of their fault. We read so many such accidents in newspapers very often.

Safety is everybody’s responsibility. Whatever be the environment, if we do not behave responsibly, we may end up with unwanted but avoidable accidents.

Safety concern must start with personal environment. Every family member must be taught of the hazards present and the control measures to be administered. In each house hazards like electricity, gas, elevators (lifts), height (in flats), and fire are present. All people must be well trained to tackle any eventuality. Fortunately, every gadget comes with a manual which highlights the safety aspects of the gadget. It is a must that everyone, who is likely to use the gadget, reads the manual thoroughly and follow the guidelines without fail.

When we step out of our houses, we must behave responsibly. It is highly essential to strictly follow the traffic rules whether we are walking or using vehicles. We must be very cautious not to create any hazard to the public.

In the work environment, the hazards become many fold. Though it is the responsibility of the managements to ensure safe working environment for their workforce, the workforce must take all precautions and follow the prescribed norms to ensure safety.

In our country, the industrial fatal accidents are much higher compared to the developed countries. The major reasons are:
·         Very big un-organized sector
·         Inadequate monitoring facilities
·         Management’s negligence
·         Ignorance of workforce
·         Lack of training for the workforce
  And many more . . . . .

As I wrote in the beginning, safety is everybody’s concern. Let us start the movement from our houses and contribute to improve safety.

In my next post I will give tips for home safety.

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