Sunday, May 19, 2019

Drive Safely

 Drive safely

In our country thousands of lives are lost in road accidents. Hundreds have become permanently disabled. The factors that lead to road accidents can be classified as (i) factors beyond our control like road condition, traffic, rain or shine, etc., and (ii) factors within our control like condition of the vehicle, the way we drive, and our attitude.

If we do not want to get into trouble, we must ensure that the factors within our control are addressed well. In this post we will learn how to drive safely.

It is very sad to understand that many people do not observe traffic rules and many of them are not aware of the rules. The primary objective of driving should be: REACH THE DESTINATION SAFELY.

Defensive driving.
The very purpose of safe driving is to save lives and time in spite of the conditions prevailing around us. The following conditions are very common in our country: bad roads, unruly traffic, rude drivers, and the like. We must master the traffic rules and follow them diligently. We must also know the conventional signs and drive honouring those signs.
Conventional traffic signs.

There are three types of signs viz. information, caution, and mandatory. It is our duty to obey the mandatory signs. The signs are self-explanatory. The following figures give all the three types of signs.

Mandatory signs

Defensive driving requires alertness. Anticipate eventualities and be prepared to tackle them. The basic quality of good driving is to anticipate braking. This means that you will never apply brakes in a hurry and people travelling with you will not be able to feel the impact of braking – you will anticipate braking, slow down and then apply the brake gradually.
·         Never keep staring on the vehicle ahead.
·         Keep scanning the road ahead for 12 – 15 seconds.
·         Check the hazards behind and the sides by checking the rear view mirrors every few seconds.
·         Exercise one of the three options available when you encounter a hazard: (i) Brake (to stop or slow down) (ii) Steer to the left or right (iii) Sound horn to alert.
·         Change the lanes after switching on the turning indicator lights.
·         Driving at night and driving in rain require special skills. Practice them.
·         Maintain your vehicle in good running condition.
·         Do carry out the routine checks everyday before you take the vehicle out.
·         When you are tired, don’t try to push the limits. Stop the vehicle, take adequate rest and then proceed.
·         Anger will never help anyone. Don’t argue with aggressive drivers, ignore them.
·         Alcohol and driving never go together. Avoid drunken driving.
·         Avoid distractions.
·         Be aware of blind spots. (An area behind, on either side of the driver, that cannot be seen by him is known as blind spot)
·         Don’t overtake the vehicle from wrong side.
·         Follow the rule: Keep left.


1 comment:

  1. Know your stop distance & drive safely both articles increasing our responsibility as a citizen against road safety.
