Thursday, May 23, 2019

Quality Circle

Quality circle.

Quality circle is a participatory management technique. It takes the help of employees in solving problems related to their jobs. It is a voluntary group of employees (about maximum ten, in number) carrying out similar or related works. The group meets on regular basis to identify, analyze, and solve problems related to quality, productivity, cost, safety, etc. in their work area. The following items cannot be covered in quality circles:
-          Pay
-          Benefits
-          Promotion
-          Grievances
-          Industrial relations
-          Company policy
Quality circle is relatively autonomous and headed by a supervisor or a senior worker. The members are usually trained in formal problem-solving methods like brainstorming, Pareto analysis, cause and effect diagrams, etc.

Following are the likely outcomes of effective quality circles:
·         Utilize the skills of the workforce to help in work planning and improvement.
·         Self development.
·         Mutual development.
·         Improvement in quality.
·         Improvement in attitude and communication.
·         Improvement in productivity.
·         Improvement in participation.
·         Improvement in safety.
·         Reduction in wastage.
·         Reduction in cost.
·         Evolution of team spirit and human relations.
·         Opportunities for creative problem solving.
·         Increased job satisfaction and harmony.

But quality circles fail many a times due to various reasons. The following table highlights possible reasons and the requirements to succeed. 

Members of the quality circle should:
·         Attend all the meetings
·         Learn quality circle techniques
·         Participate in discussions to generate various options
·         Take assignment from the leader
·         Follow the code of conduct
·         Implement the accepted quality circle suggestions

Leader of the quality circle should:
·         Conduct the meetings regularly and ensure effective participation of the members
·         Review the tasks an take corrective actions
·         Ensure that there is unity of purpose in the circle’s approach
·         Assign roles to each member and guide them
·         Chalk out action plans
·         Interact with other agencies and maintain records
·         Maintain the attendance and minutes of the meetings
·         Prepare the project report and arrange presentation

Quality circle can have a facilitator, who is usually a senior officer like department head. He should act as a teacher, promoter, catalyst, and guide. He should reflect faith and conviction of the management to the concept. He should act as the interface between circles and other functions. He should render support and assistance to his circle. He should –
·         Act as a catalyst between quality circle and management
·         Co-ordinate with external agencies, wherever required
·         Train leaders and members
·         Anticipate problems and take preventive measures

Steering committee.
It is required to have a steering committee to make quality circle a success. It will consist of HODs of all major functions. The responsibilities are –
·         To set goals and direction
·         To establish operational guidelines
·         To meet periodically and take an overview of quality circle activities
·         To take decisions for implementing the quality circle recommendations
·         To provide necessary financial assistance

 Quality circle operation.
·         Identify the problems
·         Select a problem to be tackled
·         Separate the problem into vital and trivial elements
·         Work out on cause and effects
·         Collect and analyze data
·         Validate the theories
·         Propose remedies and test their effectiveness
·         Present it to the management
·         Get approval from the management
·         Overcome resistance to change
·         Implement the solutions
Follow the M-L-P-S cycle depicted below.

M – L – S – P cycle.

·         Regular meetings are a must.
·         Provide an opportunity to share experience.
·         Conduct brainstorming.
·         List the work related problems.
·         Distribute jobs amongst members.
·         Collect data and analyze.
·         Prepare for the presentation.

·         Train all the concerned persons.
·         It should be a continuous process.
·         The training requirement varies.

·         Identify and list the problems.
·         Select the problem based on merit.
·         Arrive at the best solution.
·         Present to the management.
·         Review recommendations and approval of management.
·         Implement the solution.

·         Limit the duration to 30 minutes.
·         Close the session by answering questions.
·         Use tools like histograms, cause and effect diagram, etc.
·         Highlight the salient points including cost saving.
·         Do not insist on spot decisions.

Diligently follow the ten points given below.

1.       Problems are there everywhere, look for them actively!
2.       Use accurate data, no guess work!
3.       Apply the QC tools thoroughly and effectively!
4.       Improve your technical ability by acquiring special skills & techniques!
5.       Try one thing at a time, advance steadily!
6.       Analyze all the possible causes and act only after identifying the true ones!
7.       Exercise your ingenuity and originality!
8.       Develop a rational approach!
9.       Don’t live with problems, tackle them!
10.   Never give up. Be determined and fight to the end!


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