Saturday, June 1, 2019

Let Us Make Our Environment Better

Let us make our environment better

5th June is Environment Day. Let us not think of environment only on that day. It is everyone’s responsibility to leave this planet worth living. We have spoiled it enough. Let us not think and conclude that it is the responsibility of the Governments to ensure safe environment for us. Governments are needed for dramatic changes on large scale whereas we, as an individual, can contribute to safeguard the environment. Let us start practising the following, with immediate effect, if we are really responsible.

v  Start walking. It may not be possible to walk all the time. There are two options available. If your destination is at a walkable distance, do not use any vehicle. For me, any destination within a radius of 2 kilo meter, is at walkable distance. I always walk and I am 64 years old. If your destination is beyond walkable distance, park your vehicle far away, so that you can walk some good distance.
v  Start cycling. In stead of vehicles, you can use cycle. It is good for health and a good exercise too. In many cities, cycle are available on rent. You need not bring them back. They have different stations where you can pick up or leave a cycle. The cycle company takes a registration charge of one hundred rupees which will be refunded on your first ride. Not only that, you are allowed five free rides of thirty minutes duration. Explore this scheme wherever available.
v  Start using public transport. Give out the comfort of driving a car for the betterment of the environment. In big cities, apart from train and bus, metro services are also available. If we plan out correctly, we will be able to make use of those services with little inconvenience.
v  Pool your car. If it is absolutely essential to use your car, pool it with other persons known in your locality. If three or four come together, the cars can be used by rotation. Whenever you go on a long trip you can carry one or two persons with you for a fare. You can locate people through apps like ‘blablacar’.   
v  Cut down your trips. If your office permits ‘work from home’ make use of it. Apart from helping the environment, you will help yourself.
v  Start a log book. Start entering the trip details in a log book. Review and scrutinize all the trips once in a fortnight. This will help you to identify wasteful trips and take corrective action.
v  Reduce or stop buying online. You will be surprised to know that every time you order online, you are increasing the pollution. Look at this: your every online order is delivered individually, through a vehicle. Previously we used to plan our purchase and buy all requirements at one go. So it was only one trip to the shop. But we order each item separately online. There was an article in ‘The Times of India’ last month on this topic.
v  Exploit expiry dates. Expiry dates on food actually refers to the product’s quality, not safety. If required extend the life of the product by storing it in fridge or freezer immediately after buying from the store. Important note: It does not mean that you have to consume spoiled food for the sake of environment. Be watchful!
v  Get the left overs packed. When we are not able to finish the entire foodstuff while eating in restaurant, get the left overs packed and bring them home. Either you can use them next time, by preserving, or give it to a needy person.
v  Buy in bulk. When you buy groceries buy them in bulk. This will reduce the packing material and make disposal of the same easier.
v  Go for minimal packaging. While shopping, buy products with no or minimal packaging.
v  Become energy savvy. Whenever you buy new products, check their energy star ratings and buy energy efficient ones. They will save electricity. Never buy bigger machines (washing machine, fridge, microwave oven, etc) than required. Explore the possibilities of generating roof top solar power.
v  Use energy saving lights like LED.
v  Save rain water. Explore the possibilities of rain water harvesting. If you are living in an independent house, it will be easy. If you are living in a flat, it will take more effort and energy to bring the people together for this project. Take the lead!
v  Don’t waste water. Many a times we keep the water tap open while we brush our teeth or shave. Keep the tapes closed and open only when required.
v  Don’t take printouts of tickets. Use only soft copies.
v  Try to re-use the text books. You can give them to the needy.
v  Try to install solar water heaters instead of electric geysers.   
v  Always carry your own bags and avoid using plastic bags.

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