Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Work Permit System

Work permit

A work permit system is a formal written system used to control and carry out  certain types of work that are potentially hazardous. A work permit  is a document which specifies the work to be done and the precautions to be taken. It forms an essential part of safe systems of work for many maintenance activities. They allow work to start only after safe procedures have been defined and they provide a clear record that all foreseeable hazards have been considered.

A permit is needed when maintenance work can only be carried out if normal safeguards are dropped or when new hazards are introduced by the work. Examples are, entry into vessels, hot work and pipeline breaking.

What needs to be done.
Don’t assume that your system is a good one just because you have not yet had a serious accident. You should critically review your system and ask yourself the following questions.

Is the work permit system fully documented, laying down:
- how the system works;
- the jobs it is to be used for;
- the responsibilities and training of those involved; and
- how to check its operation?
Is there clear identification of who may authorise particular jobs (and any limits to their authority)?
Is there clear identification of who is responsible for specifying the necessary precautions (ex.  isolation, emergency arrangements, etc)?
Is the permit form clearly laid out?
Does it avoid statements or questions which could be ambiguous or misleading?
Is it designed to allow for use in unusual circumstances?
Does it cover contractors?

Hazards and precautions
Does the system require the removal of hazards and, where this is not reasonably practicable, effective control?
Does the permit state the precautions that have been taken and those that are needed while work is in progress? For instance, are isolations specified and is it clear what personal protective equipment should be used?
Do the precautions cover residual hazards and those that might be introduced by the work, ex. welding fume and vapour from cleaning solvents?
There can be different types of work permits depending on the type of work to be carried out. Following are some of the common ones:
·         A ‘general work permit’ used for the control over access to the premises, or the works area such as for maintenance work
·         A ‘electrical work permit’ used to control any work on electrical systems (either live or dead)
·         A ‘hot work permit’ used to control any work that has the potential to create a fire risk (for example, cutting, grinding or welding activities)
·         A ‘work at height permit’ for controlling work involving access to all types of roofs and working at heights more than 2 metre.
·         A ‘hazardous substance permit’ used for the control of work activities using or liable to expose people to hazardous substances such as asbestos

·         A ‘lone worker permit’ used to ensure the safety of any contractor who may be working alone.
·         A ‘confined space entry permit’ is used for the works to be carried out in confines spaces like working inside a storage tank.
·         A ‘ground disturbance permit’ is used for any excavation, digging, trenching, or soil removal activity.  

Requirements of the work permit system.
The following are the basic rules for the work permit system:

·         The permit must specify clearly who is to do the work, the time for which it is valid, the work to be done and the necessary precautions
·         Until the permit is cancelled, it supersedes all other instructions
·         During the period covered, no unauthorised persons must work at any place or on any plant within the work area controlled by the permit
·         No person must carry out any work not provided for in the permit
·         If there is to be a change in work activities, the permit must be amended or cancelled by the originator of the permit

Normal procedure.
The work to be carried out is normally planned well in advance in consultation with the departments that will get affected. The procedure for carrying out the planned work, is clearly defined and the persons to carry out the work are designated. The total time required for completion of the work will also be worked out and required allowances will be added to the same.
On the day of carrying out the work, the leader responsible for the work will coordinate with the other supporting people. He will get the work permit filled and authorized by the relevant authority. After getting the authorized work permit he will ensure that all precautions are carried out and the personal protective equipment are worn before starting the work. He will employ the designated persons for the job.
Once the job is completed, he will ensure that normalcy is restored by reversing the changes that have been made for safe working. He will also clean the area by removing residues and other debris. After ensuring that everything is normal he will close the permit.   
Depending on the plant, the work permit can have number of copies. The closed work permits are neatly filed and maintained by the respective department heads.

A very simple, sample work permit is given below.

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