Thursday, June 20, 2019

Two Wheeler Driving

Two wheeler driving

You may wonder why I am repeatedly writing on driving. Unfortunately road accidents take away the largest number of lives and are in lakhs in an year whereas industrial fatal accidents are in thousands. As a responsible man I feel that whatever right things I know, I should pass on to others so that they will get benefited.

People cannot commute without vehicles. Use of two wheeler is increasing day by day. In our own interest we must drive vehicles responsibly. In this post we will learn many right things about two wheeler driving.

Some statistics first.
·         In the year 2016 – 2017 there were 4,00,517 road accidents and more than 1,60,000 deaths in our country. 
·         India has the second largest roads in the world.
·         India has about 4 million kilo meter of roads.
·         India adds about 12 lakh vehicles every year.
·         India holds number one position in terms of road accidents.

Knowledge of Law.
We must know certain important sections of Motor Vehicle Act 1988.
Sec.4: Persons of age less than 18 years are not permitted to drive any vehicle. Persons of age less than 20 years are not permitted to drive transport vehicles.
Sec. 14: Grace period available for license renewal is 30 days.
Sec. 128: Only two persons are allowed to ride a two wheeler. Carrying goods in the pillion is prohibited.
Sec. 129: Both the driver and the pillion driver must wear BIS certified helmets.
Sec. 181: Specifies imprisonment and penalty for driving without valid driving license.
Sec. 185: Specifies imprisonment and punishment for drunken driving.

Observe diligently the following regulatory rules.
·         Always drive at the left side of the road and allow the vehicles coming from opposite direction to pass you from your right side.
·         If you want to take a right turn, come to the centre of the road carefully, take the right turn and go to the left of the road.
·         Always overtake the vehicles from their right side. If that vehicle has come down to the centre of the  road with an indication to turn right, you may overtake from the left side of the vehicle.
·         Do not overtake any vehicle if:
Ø  Create a hazard or a danger
Ø  The road ahead is not clear and safe
Ø  The vehicle behind you had already started overtaking you
Ø  When the driver of the vehicle ahead doses not allow you to overtake
·         Reduce your speed while approaching junctions.
·         Allow fire engines, ambulances and other vehicles with emergency indicators, to pass you vy driving to the left edge of the road.
·         Pedestrians have preference whenever there are zebra lines. Stop the vehicle and allow them to pass.
·         Do not drive on designated cycle tracks and foot paths.
·         Do not take U turns when they are not permitted.
·         Always carry the documents. In most States, soft copies will do.
As per the order of Honourable Supreme Court the following offences are punishable with suspension of driving license for 3 to 6 months, penalty, and  imprisonment.
·         Making accidents which may result in fatality
·         Drunken driving
·         Using mobile phone while driving
·         Driving at over speed – remember: speed thrills but kills
·         Signal jumping

·         Always wear helmet while driving.
·         Always respect and obey traffic signals.
·         Respect pedestrians and allow them to feel safe.
·         Don’t overtake vehicle in sharp bends and curves.

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