Saturday, June 15, 2019

Cost Of Defects

Cost of defects.

In any manufacturing unit, the products are manufactured through different stages. Any process is bound to have variations and may lead to defects. A defect can occur at any stage of the process.

All the organizations will establish measures to monitor the manufacturing process variations and control them. Success of any organization depends on the effectiveness of those measures. 

If the defects are not corrected at the stage where it has occurred, the implications may become overwhelming.

To understand this phenomenon, let us find the places where the defects can occur and the impact of it, if it is not corrected at the same place. The following figure depicts it.

From the above figure, it is very clear that the cost and loss will be very high if the defect is found out by the customer. Everyone should put the best effort to avoid this happening.

The best strategy is to rectify the defect at the place (stage) where it occurs. This will ensure minimum cost and time loss to the organization.

Process control measures are to be stringent and are to be monitored closely to achieve this. Operator involvement is very essential. 


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