Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Be a Good Teacher (Always)

Be a good teacher - Always

Whether we work for someone (employed) or for ourselves (entrepreneur) we want to be successful. After all this is the very basic requirement and we always work for it. Interestingly it will be very difficult to become successful unless we become a teacher, a good teacher indeed.

Wherever we work, we work with three types of people: people above our level in hierarchy, people of our same level, and people below our level in hierarchy. We keep communicating with them and we get influenced by them. We also influence them (believe me!). 

To become really successful, we should share our knowledge by way of teaching. This will be possible only and only if we really become a good teacher. But, most of us refuse to teach. I worked under a person during the early days of my career, who used to keep the operation manuals of equipments under lock and key. He used to be very hesitant to part with the key. People never trusted him.

People will get attracted to you once they understand that you are ready to guide them and share your knowledge with them. Let me give an example from my work life. In our manufacturing unit we were having a complex hydraulic machine. Both the hydraulic and electric circuits were complex. I broke both the circuits into small sections and made fresh drawings for them. I trained electricians and fitters to read them. I also taught them to troubleshoot the problems. Over a period of time, they almost became independent in tackling the issues. The interruptions and the production losses have come down heavily. I earned a nickname as ‘professor’. That was a bonus for me.

Teaching is not easy; you need to have determination and patience. You also need to assume different roles while teaching.
·         Be a wake-up call for sleepers
·         Be a potter and sculpture for clay
·         Be a knowledge-guide for wanderers
·         Be a colleague, listener, and friend to developed minds

The teaching need not be an academic one. You don’t always need a classroom set up. Encourage the people to ask questions, to take part in discussions, and to observe what is happening around them. Understand the types of teachers and exercise the style suitable for your student and the situation. Following are the types of teachers. (Styles)

The new. You will be full of enthusiasm. Also, well-educated and up-to-date. Will be willing to try new things.
Disciplinarian. Believes that discipline is the basic necessity and enforces the same. Believes in punishments for correcting people.
The friend. Tries to understand the problems of the student and to win their trust. Is willing to allow breaks. Is generally popular.
The entertainer. Will try to keep the student amused. Make the lessons more fun. Students love him.
The cool. Nice to look and popular with students. Creates a bond with students.
The experienced. Knows how to control the population. Normally doesn’t get a shock (for anything). Is respected by the student community. Knows what is expected of him.

Understand the pitfalls of each of the above styles and avoid them.

Always, be ready to teach. I will give you an example from my work experience.
I was sick on that day and did not attend the factory. Around 2 AM somebody knocked my door. On opening the door, I learned from the person who came to call me, that there was a serious problem in the manufacturing unit. When they replaced a burnt electric motor of a pump, the fuses started blowing off when they started the same. On reaching the spot I started inquiring about the sequence of events that took place. Then I found out there was a problem when they changed the direction of rotation of that particular pump. For a direct-on-line starter, the direction reversal is fairly straight forward. But for a star-delta starter the case is totally different. I explained the theory to all present, including my senior, so that the mistake would never get repeated. Afterwards no such problems occurred – thanks to my teaching!    

Tips. Use the following strategy to become a really good teacher.
·         Be committed to your student and his learning.
·         Be a master in your subject and keep updating yourself.
·         Periodically review your teaching process and make necessary changes to it.
·  Understand the individual differences and formulate your teaching style accordingly.
·         Treat all your students equal.
·     Assess the progress of your student periodically and take corrective action as required.
·         Ensure that there no mismatch between what you say and what you do. People will listen to us and also observe what we do.
·         Keep learning – you will be able to face your tough student.    


  1. Kudos for this wonderful compilation ....

  2. Mama, Professor - is right title for you. Article about teaching itself confirms the same. Very Useful 👍👍
